Blocked oil painting on canvas titled "Cherries" by Anita van der M...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Fisherman" by Anita van der M...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Harvesting with Yorkies" by A...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Pure Love" by Anita van der M...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Band of Brothers" by Anita va...
Blocked oil painting on canvas titled "Big Beautiful Doll" by Anita...
Blocked oil painting on canvas titled "Discarded Dreams" by Anita v...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Doctor’s Prescription" by A...
Blocked oil painting on canvas titled "Don’t See Me" by Anita van...
Framed oil painting on canvas titled "Ducks in a Row" by Anita van ...
Blocked oil painting on canvas titled "Frida meets Helen" by Anita ...
Showing 1 to 15 of 39 (3 Pages)